How to Balance Redox Equations in Alkaline (and Acid) Solutions?
The Fuel Cell of Hydrogen and Oxygen can take place in Acid or Alkaline Solution. In either situation we first balance the redox...

Born Haber Cycle Screenshot - Student completes Born Haber cycle for Aluminium Oxide..
If you require help with A Level Chemistry please free to contact me #OnlineALevelChemistryTutor #BornHaberCycle...

Enthalpy of Solution Screenshot
Student completing Enthalpy of Solution Cycle for Magnesium Chloride... #EnthalpyOfSolution #OnlineALevelChemistryTutor...
How to Balance Redox Equations
Sulphuric Acid is reduced by Iodide ions to form Sulphur Dioxide and Iodine. Reduction Half Equation H₂SO₄ -----> SO₂ 1. Balance the...
Limiting Reagents
If you have worked out the MOLES of two reactants then the limiting reagent is the one with less moles. Sorted? Well, it depends. If the...